Te Ngahere has worked closely with the community group “From the Deck” and Auckland Council to develop a community-led restoration plan to help direct restoration efforts on private properties surrounding Middleton Stream (a tributary in the Newmarket Stream catchment) over a 5 year period.
From the Deck is a great community driven group taking the initiative to carryout weed control, bird counts, water quality tests and pest control along the stream in their community.
Te Ngahere staff have been supportive of their goals and are helping to implement the restoration plan with strategic weed control, planting preparation, supporting community planting days and maintaining plantings in the year following. Our staff also provide ongoing advice on restoration priorities and monitoring/refining the restoration programme. We have developed a close relationship with the From the Deck community group and provided support during successful, well attended community planting days.
See the progress from the start of the programme early 2018 (Top), after one season of initial control and planting (middle) to 2019 (bottom) following intensive weed control and native plantings throughout.